A moment of calm
Before the storm commences
My fury won't cool
~Erika P.
Ella: Out of the way. This one's mine.
Sashimi: But--
Ella: Shut it, kid. Erika, your syllables are on, and congrats on making such good friends with the letter "c," but what, pray tell, does this have to do with cats (other than the third letter of the alphabet)? If there's a calm before your storm, then it isn't fury driving it. Believe me, I know fury well. And storms. A furious cat does not wait. Waiting's for hunting, not anger.
Sushi: Not all cats are like you. She could have intended it to mean a more physical fury, not that anger you take out on Sashimi as you growl yourself into an asthma attack.
Ella: That's not an asthma attack. It's a tactic. She always backs down when I start to cough. Where did she go, anyway? Not that I care.
Sushi: To the food bowl. Where else would she go? At any rate, Erika, "commences" was an excellent choice of words. I have always loved how it can mean both a beginning and an end.
Ella: Speaking of endings, it's high time to shred.
Sushi: But I do think--
Ella: SHRED!
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