December 5, 2008

Sad Cat

Woe is we, woe is we

Oh lonely we will ever be.
Humom's run off and away
We hardly see her day to day.

The humom has been gone a LOT lately. She calls it "work," as if that makes it better. I call it the stinks. She's been taking the laptop with her, like it's hers or something. And now I've forgotten what I waited half the week to write. Ella's pouting in the corner, saying she didn't want to post anything anyway (yet you notice she jumped on first thing earlier this week!) and Sushi is "practicing patience," whatever that means.

I say, forget pouting, forget patience. The word of the day is "pounce." Keyboard attack!

a;oseijhro nughbna[ ns8yth 7yergh lodiugpa7iergl a;jfnzvdiyubgh;ahlvksyifgbdfhjgalei lbavdyrhg;aeh bguvnbduidfjf ga u yhusg

aj;ngz2 ns;oghj ;bijo' bhaji'o i'abjhoo

Ha! I got it! Take that, spellcheck!

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