October 6, 2008

Mutiny! Well, the beginnings of it anyway.

What is today but one more day
To play and nap and nap and play
And sing to ears that need me-ewing...
Now what the *%@!? was I doing?

Heehee, I let Sushi think she was talking me into this. I told her there was no way I was going to blog or anything because hey, I don't want the world knowing every little bit of what I do (which is true, but I don't have to write down EVERYTHING, right?). Then Ella starts in with her whole rant about bad spelling on the Internet, and I'm like, "Hey, I like icanhascheezburger," but Ella says if I blog I have to spell things the right way, which I KNOW how to do (Ella thinks I'm stupid, but then, she thinks everybody's stupid except maybe our humom when she's giving us the nightly Fishies, but even then...) so anyway, I let them think they were making me do it but I'm WAY more computer-savvy than either of those two. Who do you think did all the photoshopping on our pictures? Not Ella, that's for sure. She just turns on the laptop and starts growling. Or maybe she just does that when I look over her shoulder.

So, I know what you're thinking: they're both going to know I was faking not wanting to blog after they read this, but hey, I don't care. Sushi with her big plans and Ella with her grumping, but I'm the one curls up at the humom's side while she types. I'm the one who sees how to do things. Ella's the one who got us the account, but I made it pretty. Well, prettier, anyway. Typing's hard when your paws tend to hit too many keys and you don't have thumbs. Dewclaws don't count. Still, I have big plans for this thing, and the others can't stop me.

Catch you all later. Gotta go back to playing sweet but slightly stupid. It works so much better than Sushi's yowling. That's why I'm the one who gets first crack at the Fishies every night, not because Sushi lets me, no matter what she tells you.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, what do you cats know about life anyway? I mean, you generally hate to run in the rain, swim in the ponds and fetch a good stick.

While I will give you a superior ability to ignore your human's requestes, we DOGS are "man's best friened".

I don't think taking over the internet is really up a cat's alley... I mean DOGS RULE, silly cats DROOL! WOof!

Anonymous said...

A dog who cannot even properly spell "man's best friend" is of no concern to us. Enjoy your soggy, dead piece of wood, slave.